Wednesday, February 16, 2011

ponyfish island

after reading about ponyfish island - and knowing that it wouldn't be around for long, i knew i had to try it.
so i finally went last night, in hope's that since it was a wednesday, it wouldn't be too crowded.
even on a wednesday in the rain, i couldn't find a seat.  i thought, this is place is one of the new, hip places -- and i expected something new or hip.  but really -- carlton, bulmers and fat yak is all they have on tap.. and a fridge full of corona and asahi.  not cool.  and not worth coming back for.

while the location is original and unique, the drinks are pathetic.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

it's about time i start this thing for real...

since i spend most of my working day reading blogs about food, drink, cooking... and i do nothing but think about it, i figured i should put my 4-year-overpriced-degree to good use (that would be english, with a concentration in writing)

the best i can say is that i will try my best to document all that i eat, cook and drink in this city.  and its about time i make some friends with similar interests :)